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“Change is the only constant,” and it is in our hands to ensure that it is a positive one.


SAATHI is a modern-day NGO run by the passionate youth, taking on the responsibility to spread the message of sustainability and peaceful coexistence, as it is in the hands of our generation.

















It was inaugurated in the Government Model High school-sector 52 on the 17th of December,2009 by His Excellency Gen.SF Rodrigues(the then Governor of Punjab and UT Administrator) in the presence of Sh.Ram Niwas (Home Secretary UT Chandigarh).

Our founder, Mrs Punita Vadhera’s vision, to bring inclusive education to children all around was carried out beautifully by the volunteer students of the organisation. 


The fire which had seemingly faded out was rekindled in 2020.


In the words of Mrs.Punita, "I witnessed a discussion between these students in which they were talking about the various issues that plagued our daily life and how each of them wanted to change our worlds' social structure in their own ways.I saw true passion and dedication in their eyes, and in that moment i knew that they would be the perfect fit to carry forward this NGO's legacy."

















Among the few human rights is the freedom to express oneself, a privilege we must take full advantage of.

The team focuses on the need of the hour, attempting to help our country advance and overcome the plethora of social issues which have seemingly become a recurring feature.

Change is like the formation of an ocean- one drop at a time, forming the might ocean with its waves so treacherous, reaching out to the world. It is our firm belief that the change brought about by a single person's efforts also matters. Therefore we at Saathi try to extend our full support to all our volunteers' projects. 

Over the past few months, the team has taken up several projects and have spread awareness about the happenings in our nation. By taking up these projects, we aim at bringing the human community closer, as at the end of the day, the Earth is our responsibility- and we must not shy away from our duties as a global citizen.

However, our current focus is on bringing attention to the movement Dear Generation Delta, inviting people all around to join hands and contribute to forming a safe world for the next generation.

The founding team touched the lives of many and brought joy to more. They hosted multiple fundraising programmes through creative means such as rock concerts and so on- leaving the public in awe, serving as an angel in disguise to the beloved children.

It is our turn to shoulder their name on as we take Saathi forward. Life is ephemeral, which is why we must progress, not only on a personal level but as a community. Therefore, we encourage everyone to take up the charge of making change possible, to join in as a drop of water, accompanying us as we build the mighty ocean.

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