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Dear Generation Delta is a movement launched by Saathi and founded by Sanya Goyal, which focuses on global sustainable development.


We write letters addressing the Generation Delta, children of the future who will exist around 2050, marking the reign of a new age.


While we have come a far way and made progress technologically, as 

a community we are falling apart.


The age-old prejudices and socio-political combined with the deteriorating

resources are harrowing, yet the society remains ignorant to the parlous

needs. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, corruption, and as on are just a

few social problems to name. The gap between the rich and the poor is

consistently at a hike while the middle-class strifes for self-sustenance. 


Our movement, Dear Generation Delta, is not a mere time capsule

concept, but our way of making a mark on this world.


We are determined to interest people enough to willingly contribute to

this movement.


It is our promise, not only to them but also to the citizens, the companies,

and the organizations, to make the world a progressively better place for

all of us to reside in; a seemingly exigent task at hand, considering the

condition all around.



Dear Generation Delta is not only a movement but a feeling which needs to be internalized by all of us, a place where we can all belong. It is not just about future generations, but about us. We must preserve humanity as a whole.

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